Cyanea st-johnii

(Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma (1993)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Asterales Family: Campanulaceae Genus: Cyanea

hāhā [haha]


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrub.

Stems: Stems woody, unbranched, 0.3–0.6 m long, unarmed, muricate or aculeate.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate. Blades lanceolate to oblanceolate, blades 6–13 cm long, 1.5–2 cm wide. Apex subacute to acuminate. Upper surfaces glabrous; lower surfaces pubescent on the veins. Margins callose–crenulate, strongly revolute. Petioles 0.6–1.5 cm long, pubescent to muricate. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences 5–20–flowered, peduncles 5–15 mm long, pedicels 5–10 mm long; hypanthium 4–7 mm long, sparsely pubescent. Flowers bisexual (perfect). Calyx 5-lobed, lobes oblong to lanceolate, 3–10 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, distinct or rarely connate, apex obtuse, acute, or acuminate; tube adnate to ovary. Corolla zygomorphic, white, the lobes suffused with pale violet on inner surface, 3–6 cm long, glabrous, the tube suberect to strongly arcuate, dorsally cleft to about the middle, the lobes connate, spreading, rarely erect or all 5 downcurved in the same plane. Stamens 5, alternate with corolla lobes, connate, staminal column glabrous or sparsely pubescent; anthers dark purple, glabrous, with apical tufts of white hairs on the lower 2 or rarely all 5, the lower 2 with apical tufts of white hairs, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits, coherent but separating after anthesis or connate and forming a tube into which pollen is shed; filaments distinct or connate above, attached to the epigynous nectary disk or to base of corolla, rarely adnate to corolla tube. Ovary inferior, 2-celled; ovule placentation axile; stigma 2-lobed, wet or dry, appressed and nonreceptive as the style grows through the anther tube, pushing out the pollen, after which the stigmas spread apart and become receptive.

Fruit: Berries unknown. Seeds numerous; small; brown to black; smooth; shiny; 0.2–0.5(–2) mm long; with a straight; short to spatulate dicotyledonous embryo embedded in oily endosperm.

Ploidy: 2n = 28

Habitat: Endemic to windy cloud swept wet forest.

Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

O'ahu Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Novon 3: 440 (1993)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:484 (O [as Rollandia st.-johnii]); Lammers 1993:440 (COMBNOV:Syn. R. st.-johnii = Cyanea st-johnii)/Herbst & Wagner 1999:18


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. fenstemacher, r. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 8/27/1989
2 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman 6192 F 7/19/1987
3 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E. Y. 743 Oahu US 9/18/1932
4 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. y. hosaka 743 Oahu US 9/18/1932
5 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oahu US 8/11/1985
6 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On wet windswept ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 1159 Oahu BISH 8/6/1933
7 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On wet windswept ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 1159 Oahu BISH 8/6/1933
8 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wind-blown moist, open summit area; plants subjected to violent winds and moisture constantly; associated with Gouldia st.-johnii, which is also stunted by wind action PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. perlman, s.; w.hill collector number: 87-674 Oahu BISH 7/19/1987
9 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In Metrosideros-Cheirodendron forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Grant, M.L. 7265 Oahu BISH 8/7/1934
10 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 1866-08-08
11 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In turfy cloud zone. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 25128 Oahu BISH 8/5/1953
12 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In grassy windblown area, In Metrosideros-Dicranopteris linearis lowland wet shrubland with Scaevola, Psychotria, Alyxia, Melicope, Broussaisia, Cibotium, Machaerina, Bidens, Freycinetia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 6192 Oahu BISH 7/19/1987
13 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Thicket, cloud zone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 20423 Oahu BISH 12/12/1943
14 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s.n. Oahu BISH 1866-00-00
15 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On wet main divide of Koolau Range. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 743 Oahu BISH 9/18/1932
16 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information climbing over house PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. fenstemacher, r. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 8/27/1989
17 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. fosberg, f.r. collector number: 1893 Oahu BISH 5/30/1937
18 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet ravine, top of pali. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F.R. 8715 Oahu BISH 9/18/1932
19 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On wet windswept ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 1159 Oahu BISH 8/6/1933
20 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Thicket, cloud zone PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 20423 Oahu BISH 12/12/1943
21 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In cave PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rogers, d.p. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 1/29/1947
22 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 1893 Oahu BISH 5/30/1937
23 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wind-blown moist, open summit area; plants subjected to violent winds and moisture constantly; associated with Gouldia st.-johnii, which is also stunted by wind action PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. 87-674 Oahu BISH 7/19/1987
24 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On wet main divide of Koolau Range. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 743 Oahu BISH 9/18/1932
25 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On denuded wet windswept ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 1256 Oahu BISH 8/7/1934
26 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On wet main divide of Koolau Range. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 743 Oahu BISH 9/18/1932
27 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet ravine, top of pali. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fosberg, f.r. hosaka, e.y. collector number: 8715 Oahu BISH 9/18/1932
28 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open plateau scrub forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. perlman, s.; hill, r. collector number: jo (85)-599 Lanai BISH 8/11/1985
29 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On wet main divide of Koolau Range. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 743 Oahu BISH 9/18/1932
30 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In Metrosideros-Cheirodendron forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN grant, m.l. collector number: 7265 Oahu BISH 8/7/1934
31 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing on exposed heavily wind blown terrain, very wet. On windward face. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. s.n. Oahu BISH 8/27/1989
32 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Steep windward slope at summit of ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rogers, D.P. s.n. Oahu BISH 1/29/1947
33 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On wet windswept ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 1159 Oahu BISH 8/6/1933
34 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In grassy windblown area, In Metrosideros-Dicranopteris linearis lowland wet shrubland with Scaevola, Psychotria, Alyxia, Melicope, Broussaisia, Cibotium, Machaerina, Bidens, Freycinetia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. obata, j.; hill, b. collector number: 6192 Oahu BISH 7/19/1987
35 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. s.n. Oahu BISH 8/27/1989
36 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On denuded wet windswept ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 1256 Oahu BISH 8/7/1934
37 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In turfy cloud zone. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 25128 Oahu BISH 8/5/1953
38 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Associated with low, heavily wind-blown, stunted native vegetation; PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. 85-599 Oahu BISH 8/11/1985
39 Cyanea st-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Metrosideros-Dicranopteris linearis lowland wet shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 6192 Oahu PTBG 7/19/1987